Ball Handling Workout: Three

Warm up: Stationary, two ball drills from blog one

Zig-Zag cone drill:

Set up a cone on each elbow and each side of half court, having 6 cones total. Repeat each move 4 times through.

  • At each cone, make a cross over move. Make sure you change speed and direction and stay low. When you get to the elbow, make a double move and attack the rim.
  • The next move will be between the legs. When you get to the elbow, take a step back jump shot.
  • The third move will be behind the back. When you get to the elbow, take a pull up jump shot
  • The fourth move will be the spin move. Your move at the elbow will be a spin and attack the basket.
  • The fifth move will be in and outs. Make sure it is quick and that you drag your dribble across your body. Take a jump shot at the elbow.

Writing Emails to College Coaches

Writing emails to college coaches is an important step in the recruitment process. The emails allow you to get your name out to coaches and give them a brief introduction to yourself.


Here’s a list of what you need to include in the email:

  • Introduce yourself
    • give your name, graduating year at your high school, and where you are from
    • tell them you are interested in their program and learning more about it
  • Provide some research you did on their program
  • Tell them what position you play and how tall you are
  • Tell them the name of the team you play for
  • List some accomplishments and awards or recognitions, but don’t over do it (two to three is a good number)
  • Give your current coaches information – name, phone number, email
  • Give your GPA and test scores if you have them
  • Copy in the link to your highlight video
  • Attach a copy of your game schedule
  • List academic interests you have
  • Lastly conclude the email
    • provide your first and last name
    • phone number
    • email
    • home address

Make sure your email sounds professional and has no spelling/grammar mistakes.

For a sample email click here


Shooting Workout: Two

Warm-up: Form shooting (view workout one)

Streak Shooting

  1. You have one minute to make at least six threes in a row from any spot you want. If you do not make it to 6 in a row, you will have to run sprints for the difference. (So if you only make four, you have two sprints to run)


All Around the World

  1. For one minute, you will shoot from the corner and elbow, sliding back and forth to each spot.
  2. For one minute, you will shoot from both elbows, sliding back and forth.
  3. For one minute you will shoot from the other elbow and corner that you didn’t shoot from yet.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 but from behind the three point line.


Ball Handling Workout: Two

Warmup: Two-Ball Stationary Drills from Ball Handling Workout: One

Cone Drills:

  1. Set up 6 cones or chairs that go from one baseline to the other 3 point line (the cones will go the length of the court).
  2. The first move will be a cross-over at each cone. Keep the ball low and make the cross-over below your knees. At the last cone, make a strong move to the basket, finishing with a layup.
  3. The second move will be between the legs. Follow the steps from step 2 but instead of a layup, take a floater layup.
  4. The third move will be behind the back. Make sure you are low and keep the ball tight to you. Instead of a layup, take a pull up jump shot.
  5. The last move will be a spin move. Take a three point shot instead of a jump shot.




Side Line Drills

  1. Using two basketballs, start at the sideline and take three stationary dribbles. After three dribbles, do crossovers with the two basketballs to the next sideline.
  2. Next do the same three dribbles but now make the dribble between the legs.
  3. The last move is behind the back with the two balls.



for more drills click here

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